Engage your herder’s natural instincts with Cultured Canines' Herding Class!
Weekday private lessons and Saturday afternoon group lessons available!
Herding is a fun and incredible opportunity for your dog! We primarily work with herding breeds only, but some exceptions can be made on a case by case basis. If you just want to have fun with your pooch or have goals to trial in CKC and beyond, we are here to help!
Herding is not appropriate for dogs with reactivity, aggression or dangerous prey drive issues.
(Exceptions may apply to previous Cultured Canines training clients.)
Herding will not prevent or fix any behaviour issues. If you have concerns about your dog’s behaviour please see our C.O.O.L. Course
Private and Group lessons
Cost: $40 +GST
Fees are non-refundable
Monday-Friday 11:00am -2:00pm
Private lessons are typically around 10-30 minutes long, but sometimes shorter or longer depending on your dog. The goal is to always end on a good note! Most often a short lesson has more value than a longer one.
Please text 403-472-2384 to book a time and then register using the form below
Saturdays 2:30pm-5:00pm
Dogs will get one or two turns based on the needs of each individual dog and handler. Only one dog will be working at a time. Spectators are welcome to watch and listen to other people's turns. Group lessons are a great opportunity to learn!